Sunday School
The Auckland Syro Malabar Catholic Mission’s Sunday School started functioning in April 2008 at Mt Wellington Catholic Church, with regular classes on each Sunday after Holy Qurbana. Initially we had only 4 classes; Year 1 - 3, Year 4 - 6, year 7 - 10, and Youth group; totaling 40 students. Fr. Alex Viruthakulangara C.Ss.R was the director of the Sunday School and also the chaplain of the Syro Malabar Mission. Initially we used the English catechism text book from Kalyan Diocese.
In 2009, we started the classes with 7 classes and with nearly 80 students. Five new teachers joined the teaching staff. At the end of the year, in November, we conducted examinations and toppers from each class were felicitated on the Parish Day.
In 2010, we became more structured and organized, with 11 classes and more than 100 students. We started using the text book series of Syro Malabar Church in various classes. The most important step we took during this year was to start Sunday School classes at 4pm, before the Holy Qurbana, thereby ensuring that we get more time to teach and fewer cancellations due to feasts and other celebrations. Some new teachers volunteered to be part of the teaching staff. We also started introducing relievers in case any teacher was unable to make it.
In June 2010, Fr. Joy Thottamkara C.Ss. R become our chaplain and the Sunday School director in place of Fr. Alex who went back to Kerala after 3 years of splendid service to Sunday School and the Syro Malabar Community. Classes started at 3. 45 pm every Sunday and we conducted half yearly and annual exams and students are given trophies on the basis of overall performance in exams. Prizes were also given for 100% attendance.
In 2011, we moved to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church, Epsom. Fr. Joy became the assistant priest at Epsom parish. We had 11 classes and 12 teachers. In June, during the visit of Bishop Mar Mathew Arackel, the Chairman for the Syro Malabar Laity Commission, we conducted First Holy communion and confirmation, for the third time in our Mission. The last two were in 2008 and in 2009. In 2008 Mar. Abraham Viruthakulangara, Archbishop of Nagpur and in 2009 Bishop Mar Sebastian Vadakkel of Ujjain Diocese (Chairman of the Migrants Commission) were present. That year, 21 students had 100% attendance out of 130 students. In 2012 we remained at Epsom. The number of students crossed the 150 mark this year.
In 2013 we moved to our Lady of Immaculate Conception church at Ellerslie as Fr Joy had become the parish priest there. Fr Jobin Vanniamparambil C.Ss.R become the assistant chaplain in May 2013. On the feast day in October 2013, we conducted first holy communion and confirmation; Bishop Peter Brown C.Ss. R. was the main celebrant.
We are continuing in Ellerslie since then. Fr Jobin moved to Hamilton as Chaplain and Fr Thomas Cherukanayil C.Ss.R came in as assistant chaplain in 2017. We started the classes for little angels (year 0) this year.
We conduct first holy communion and confirmation once in every 2 years. In 2015 and 2019 Bishop Bosco Puthur was the main celebrant. In 2017, we were blessed to have our Major Archbishop Mar George Alencherry as the main celebrant. We celebrated our 10th anniversary also this year.
In 2019, Fr Joy went to Canada for higher studies and Fr George Areeckal C.Ss.R came in as the Chaplain of Syro Malabar Mission and Director of Catechism.
We award a Diploma certificate to the successful students at the completion of year 12, if they have 75% attendance and 35% Marks. So far more than 70 students were awarded the Diploma certificate.
At present, we have 365 students, 13 classes (Little angels to year 12) and 25 teachers.
The major programs of Sunday School includes the annual Bible Quiz competition-local and national, Faith formation camp, the study about saints, Psalms study and the Bible verse study.
Sunday School starts on every Sunday at 3.30pm with an assembly and it is led by different classes in turn. The assembly starts with a Hymn to Holy Spirit, followed by prayers, a bible reading and the catechetical pledge. The Sunday School also lead the Holy Qurbana on every second Sunday of the month and the Sunday School Choir sings on these Sundays. During "Kontha Namaskaram" in October, Sunday School children lead Rosary on Sundays. We also participate in Novena devotions for the feast of our Lady of Vailankanny at Avondale church in September and lead the Holy Mass and Rosary. This is the largest feast celebration of Mother Mary in the Auckland Diocese.
We are looking forward to having a common structure and examination system for all Syro Malabar Children of New Zealand.
Raji Chacko
P: +64 (0)9 624 0829 / +64 (0)21 024 05015
E: asmcmsundayschoolhm@gmail.com