SMYM Auckland
The Syro Malabar Youth movement, which has been spreading throughout the different Syro Malabar missions throughout the world, has proved fruitful for the youth in Auckland. In the year 2019-2020 the Syro Malabar Catholic Youth (SMCY) came under the wings of the global Syro Malabar Youth Movement, taking on the new name “SMYM Auckland” and reinvigorating the youth of Auckland.
Currently, there are various opportunities for youth in Auckland depending on their background. The parish has taken the initiative of founding several groups, focusing on building up the different youth within the community. SMYM Auckland Youth stands as the primary youth group, mainly comprised of youth that have had their upbringing overseas. In addition to this, there are groups focused on international students, the young couples, and the teens' group: which together makes the SMYM family.
SMYM Auckland contributes to the defense of the faith by being a major contributing factor to the Catechism teaching staff. The group also encourages students to understand and love their Eastern Catholic heritage and ensures that the future of the Church is secure through God’s grace.
Syro Malabar Youth Movement Auckland is for youth who want to build a strong faith, establish good relations with the church, and develop good relations with the local, national, and international youth communities. All the work of the SMYM Auckland is oriented towards the glory of God and His Church.
Our Website: https://www.smym.org.nz/
Our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smymauckland/
Jacob Anithottam : +64 (0)21 280 5015