Our Origin
New Zealand is an island nation in the south-western Pacific Ocean. The country geographically comprises two main landmasses that of the North Island, and the South Island, and numerous smaller islands. The continuous search of Malayalees for better jobs and living standards, have brought them to New Zealand and the migration started since 1990s.
Many people have made sincere efforts to provide Syro-Malabar migrants in this country with the celebration of the Holy Qurbana and other liturgical and cultural activities with the view of their cultural and liturgical identity. The Syro-Malabar Catholic Church is a Major Archiepiscopal Church in full communion with the Apostolic See of Rome. The Church is headed by the Major Archbishop of Ernakulam-Angamaly, Mar George Cardinal Alencherry. It is one of the 23 sui iuris (autonomous) Eastern Catholic Churches in the Catholic communion. Known for its deep-rooted spirituality and high rate of vocations to the priesthood and religious life, the Syro-Malabar Church is perhaps the most vibrant Catholic Church in the world, with over four million believers and a rich and fascinating history. Syro-Malabar Catholics, also called “St. Thomas Christians”, trace their origins and faith to the missionary efforts of St. Thomas the Apostle, who landed at Kodungallur in Kerala, India, in 52 AD. St. Thomas was martyred at Mylapur, Chennai, India, in 72 AD, after preaching and establishing Christian communities in different parts of India.
Fr. Alex Kapyarumalayil and Fr. Joseph Akkara CMI, made considerable efforts to bring together Syro Malabar faithful for liturgy and cultural activities. In February 2006 some members of the Community met Bishop Patrick Dunn, the Bishop of Auckland diocese, and expressed their desire for a Syro Malabar priest. Knowing the mind of the Church and the aspirations of the people, Bishop Patrick Dunn, the Bishop of Auckland Diocese, approached the Regional Superior of the Redemptorists, Fr. Peter Brown C.Ss.R. to secure the assistance from the Syro Malabar Province of the Congregation in India, in taking care of the Syro Malabar faithful in the Diocese of Auckland. Accordingly, Fr. Alex Viruthkulngara C.Ss.R came in June 2007. He established his residence with the Redemptorists at Glendowie and moved around making contact with the Syro-Malabar faithful scattered across the metropolitan area. He started regular Sunday Qurbana and catechism classes and organised family units and also Syro Malabar Mission Council began to cater to the needs of the Community.
After three years of service, Fr. Alex Viruthakulangara went back to India in June 2010 and Fr. Joy Thottamkara C.Ss.R came in his place. He continued to cater to the spiritual needs of the Community. Fr Jobin Vanniamparambil become the assistant chaplain in May 2013.They served as the parish priest and assistant in Immaculate Conception Parish, Ellerslie. After 3 years of service Fr Jobin Vanniamparambil was moved to Hamilton to serve the Syro-Malabar community there. Fr. Thomas Cherukanayil become the assistant priest in the place of Fr Jobin. After 9 years of service Fr. Joy Thottamkara went to Canada in June 2019 for higher studies.
Fr. George Areeckal C.Ss.R. become the Chaplain of Auckland Syro Malabar Mission and National Coordinator of Syro-Malabar Mission New Zealand in July 2019. Fr. George and Fr Thomas have been serving as priest and assistant priest of Immaculate Conception Parish Ellerslie also.
Our Activities
We have Holy Qurbana (English/ Malayalam) on every Sunday at 2:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Every Friday we have Holy Qurbana at 7:00 pm, after Holy Qurbana there is Novena and Adoration . We have a Night Vigil on every second Saturday of the month starting from 10:00 pm till 7:00 am. We also celebrate all major feasts of Syro Malabar Church such as that of St. Thomas, St. Alphonsa, and feast of the Assumption with Holy Qurbana. We celebrate our parish day and feast in October with 10 days of Rosary and Novena to our Mother of Perpetual Help. Also on Fridays of Lent we have Way of the Cross and Holy Qurbana. In Holy Week we have liturgical services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday and we also celebrate Easter. We also have 5 days annual retreat during Lent.
Structure of SM Mission: There is a Parish council consisting of 12 members to help the chaplain in the administrative works. There are around 450 families registered in Syro Malabar Mission Auckland. More than 200 of these families attend the Holy Qurbana regularly. These families are subdivided into 6 different Family Units and they meet once in a month in one of the houses for Rosary and prayers. Fr. George or Fr. Thomas attend these prayer meetings and share the Word of God.
Our Bulletin-Rainbow: The frequent communication is important from many different angles. It keeps the community in the front of each member's mind and reminds them that there is value in the community. We have our own website and online bulletin "Rainbow" for this purpose, which is published once in 3 months.
Participation in Diocesan activities: Our community members actively participate in all the major activities of the diocese in their respective parishes.
Vincent de Paul society: We have started a unit of the Vincent de Paul Society to help the needy members in our Community and around.
Youth Activities: We have formed a fellowship called SMYM Auckland for youth to develop personality, leadership and to become role models for the juniors, and take responsibility for the community activities and to develop a positive sense of responsibility.
About Sunday School: One major area of work of Syro Malabar mission in Auckland is our Sunday school faith formation classes. We are very proud of our Sunday school which contains 275 children and 25 Volunteer teachers. We conduct classes separately for every year level from little angels to 12 with proper text books and regular assessments. We conduct half yearly and annual exams and awards are given for class toppers at the end of the year. Also we give prizes for full attendance. The major programs of our Sunday School include annual Bible Quiz competition ( a preliminary round written exam and a final round oral exam based on Bible chapters), Talent fest (stage and literary competitions based on Biblical themes), study about saints through the program "To sainthood through Saints".
We start Sunday School on every Sunday at 3.30pm with an assembly and it is led by different classes on each Sunday. The assembly with a Hymn to Holy Spirit, followed by prayers and Bible reading and end with catechetical pledge. Also Sunday School children lead the Mass on every second Sunday of the month. In October, Sunday School children lead Rosary on Sundays and during the lent Sunday school leads "Way of the Cross" on a Friday. We also participate in the Novena devotions for the feast of our Lady of Velankanny, at Avondale church and lead the Mass and Rosary.
Conclusion: We thank Bishop Patrick Dunn and the Priests and laity of the Diocese for the support we receive. We thank the Parish of the Immaculate Conception Ellerslie for making the parish facilities available.
The Establishment of the Syro-Malabar Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle Melbourne and the appointment of Bishop Bosco Puthur as Apostolic Visitator of the Syro Malabar faithful residing in New Zealand is added blessing. We thank Bishop Bosco Puthur for his pastoral care towards us.
Thank you! God Bless you all!